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 12 results in yourMediumsearch for"ink, colours, and gold on paper"Advanced Search
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Page from a Buddhist Manuscript, 13th/14th century. Creator: Unknown.
Twelve Poetic Immortals and Their Poems, 1850. Creator: Reizei Tamechika.
The Tale of Genji, early 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
The Tale of Genji, early 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Southern Barbarians, mid 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Southern Barbarians, mid 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
The Tale of Taishokan, 1640/80. Creator: Unknown.
The Tale of Genji, early 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Southern Barbarians, mid 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Rebirth of the Nun Anyo, early 18th century. Creator: Unknown.
Legends of the Yuzu Nembutsu Sect, 14th century. Creator: Unknown.
Baskets with Flowers of the Four Seasons, 19th century. Creator: Unknown.